As we assist you with a gentle, eco-friendly farewell, we promise each family we serve the highest level of:

Professional Excellence
You can entrust the licensed funeral directors at LMC Pets with handling your companion with compassion and care.

We’re pet owners, too, and we understand your bond with your beloved pet. While in our care, we will always treat your pet as our own because they’re family, too.

Accuracy and Reverence
With bar code tracking and personalized identifier(s), meticulous care is given to verify your pet’s remains from the moment they come into our care until they are returned to you and your family.
Eco-Friendly Pet Cremation
LMC Pets uses Aquamation™ which is a gentle process that uses water instead of traditional cremation by fire.
We make it easy to be environmentally conscious by selecting an Aquamation farewell for your pet companion. Learn why an aqua cremation may be the right choice for your pet, especially small, exotic pets that can be lost in emissions created by fire cremation. Aqua pet cremation is gentle and returns 20% or more of your pet’s remains to you and your family.

Nothing is quite as special as the bond you feel with your furry friend. Whether the dog you grew up with or the cat you adopted last spring, keep your pet forever near with personalized paw print jewelry. LMC Pets works closely with LegacyTouch to offer you beautiful keepsakes.
Be sure to use the PIN provided by LMC Pets when shopping with LegacyTouch.
Copyright 2024 Lake Michigan Crematory Pets